Every year Matt tries to find a way to make Valentine's Day special for me and what better way than a home made craft. He puts a lot of thought into them and takes the time to make something so nice for me. They are things I will cherish forever! This year has a particularly funny story to go along with the craft. Apparently Matt had found a "flower" craft but hadn't found the time to make it and Valentine's Day was fast approaching. So he told that me he needed to go to the bathroom, in the mean time, Brooklyn was covering herself from head to toe with a melted Creamie. The time finally comes when Brooklyn is in desperate need of a bath but Matt is still in the bathroom. I proceed to ask if he needs a magazine?? Is he almost done?? What's taking so long?? Basically I keep bugging him to get it done and get out so I can put Brooklyn in the bath. Well, Monday morning when I got to work there were 3 cards (one from Matt and 2 from the girls) and these darling crafts, made in the bathroom. Who says men can't multi-task!
Thanks Matt! These are great! I love you so much!! |
I was hoping to have a special dinner made and surprise their girls with their Valentine's but poor Londyn ended up getting really sick so she didn't get to enjoy hers for several days. |
Showing off their fun "Love Bugs" |
I would like to thank Grandma and PaPa for always sending the kids such cute Valentine's in the mail. They just love to get mail and it's even better coming from the greatest Grandparents ever! We all love you very much!