Saturday, February 12, 2011


With every passing day I get the chance to really get a glimpse at how silly Brooklyn is. Although she is only 2 her personality shines. She loves to giggle and that giggle is contagious! Next thing I know Londyn is right there with her giggling too. It's music to a mother's ears. Here are a few shots that capture how much fun Boo has in front of the camera so you can imagine how much fun she has behind it as well. We are so thankful to have this little blessing in our home, she brings so many laughs to us all. 
For some reason Brooklyn loves to wear this hat.
And here is her silly face

Brooklyn saw Londyn going cross-eyed and she wanted to try.

What silly girls!!


  1. YIKES, those are silly faces. There is something about kids and hats, they love them. Love you guys. Grandma W.
