Monday, January 31, 2011

The "Virtual" Field trip..

As a result of Londyn's class walking through the hallways is an amazingly silent manner they won a "virtual" field trip. The class got to visit the Arctic. Matt and I figured since we had never been to the Arctic it might be a fun place to visit, plus neither of us have been on a virtual field trip. Turns out the virtual part is that we don't actually leave the school. The school gets turned into the location they planned to visit. The day went  like this....
Since you are going to an area of the world that is BEYOND cold we needed to dress properly.
All of the children put on their fur hats and boots (also know as, MuckLucks)

Next it was time to hope on the bus and scoot along to the Arctic....

Thankfully all the buses made it there safe and sound!

At last we have is an igloo the Inuit people (Eskimos) live in. This was actually an igloo made out of milk jugs. It was awesome and appeared to be very time consuming. Some would say that igloo's have the faint scent of cottage cheese....strange!
We learned that most only had this little fire as a way to stay warm.  YIKES...I could never live there!!   
Next we learned of the various animals that lived in the Arctic. It turns out that the word Eskimo mean eaters of raw flesh. Apparently they don't care to cook their food. For the full effect of life on the Arctic the room was also freezing!
This is Londyn helping tell about the different seasons. The Arctic still experiences all four seasons but on a much colder scale.
Londyn and her classmates got to read a story about the Arctic while enjoying the cozy "fire" and closeness the Inuit people enjoy.
As part of the day the children all got a chance to make a smaller igloo out of marshmallows. They actually turned out really cute.
Here is the finished project. Londyn decided when we got home that she needed to add some branches and paper so there was a fire for the people.
She is a cutie alright! No matter what she's wearing!

The Ogden Nature Center brought several different Owls. The particular Owl had a lot to say and Londyn thought it was funny. The people shared numerous facts about Owls that were quite interesting. At the end the children could all ask questions and Londyn asked, "How do owls drink?" Answer: They dip their beaks into the water and let the water trickle down their throats. Good question Londyn!
Here is a picture of all the little Inuit children at school. Yes, even in the frozen tundra the kids still have to hike to school or should I say hope on their sleds.

All in all the field trip was a great success and very educational, even for the parents. Matt and I had a great time spending the day with Londyn in the Arctic and we are both looking forward to more fun trips throughout the years.


  1. What a cute and fun idea! Someone spent a lot of time on that one! Way cool!

  2. What an awesome experience that must have been. I think participating in the actual experience teaches so much more than reading about the Arctic in a book. I can see it was a lot of work to do the virtual field trip but well worth it for the children. Londyn, you are the cutest ever!!! Love you all, grandma w.
