Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

This is always the time of year I sit back and think about the year's fun and excitement and ponder what I am thankful for. I should really be thinking about all I do have throughout the year but I realized I am truly thankful for Thanksgiving to help remind me of what I'm thankful for. I have been blessed to have a beautiful family who is healthy. Often times I lose sight of how lucky I am until I hear of someone who is less fortunate. My children have their health and are for the most part happy what more could a mother want. I look forward to watching them continue to grow and learn. To see what kind of person they become. Everyday one of them amazes me with what they have learned from school or in everyday life. As an adult I forget how difficult it can be to be a child.
I am so blessed and thankful for the amazing Husband I have been so lucky to find. He is such a strength to me. Through a sometimes rough year he has been my rock. He has been there every step of the way and without him I wouldn't have made it through. He has such a patient and caring way about him. There aren't enough words to express my appreciation for him.
And last but not least I am so thankful for my parents. They have set such an amazing example of how I want to live my life. They have taught me so much that I hope I can pass that on to my kids. They both have the such an amazing work ethic. They have taught me to work hard for what I want and it will pay off in the end. I love you both and thank you for everything you do for me and my family.

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