Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year

Happy New Year!! 1-1-11, what a interesting date! Here's to hoping this year brings good health, a happy family, with any luck hitting the lottery! Of course every year I start off my resolutions with the good old tried and true...LOSE WEIGHT! I hope this one sticks this year! :)  The next resolution is to find ways to spend more quality time with Londyn and Brooklyn. It seems the older I get the faster time flies and next thing I know Londyn and Boo will be be grown and with their own families. They have grown so fast already. Last but not least my third resolution is to get prepared. I keep hearing about getting my food storage done and having everything ready for whatever might come our way, so I figured I'd better put that high on my list.  I hope everyone has a healthy and safe year!


  1. Hey, love your blog! It will be so fun to watch it grow and keep track of what the Lane family is up to. Your resolutions are very good ones, keep up the good work! I sure love you all! Mom, grandma W.

  2. Good job on blogging! It's so much fun! Good luck on the goals, hope I keep mine too!!!
