Sunday, January 9, 2011

Out of the mouth of Babes...

I am often times amazed at what goes through little ones minds. I will never forget while I was pregnant with Brooklyn I kept complaining about how I was running out of room for the baby. Well, Londyn had heard me say this many times so in an effort to help she told me that "if you fart it will make more room." All I could do is laugh and thank her for the suggestion. Now it's Brooklyn's turn....When ever Brooklyn gets hurt she comes straight to me and asks for me to kiss it and thankfully I have the power in that kiss to make it all better. Well, yesterday Brooklyn had hit her bum climbing into her chair and was complaining that her butt had an "owie" so she proceed to ask...."Mommy, kiss my butt".  As much as I wanted to make her feel better I have decided to draw the line there. That sweet request has made me realize how much power a little loving care can bring. I just love those girls!


  1. Hilarious! Cute pic of them in their Christmas PJ's. Good job documenting the funny things they say. I need to do that more. The are just so funny! XOXO

  2. Yay! I love following blogs! I remember the day Keegan asked me to kiss him bum too. It was hard not to laugh at the poor kid while he was in pain. He's also asked me to kiss his tongue when he has bitten it before. That one also is a no go.

  3. AMEN! Keep documenting all those cute things they say because they will love hearing them later in life. We forget too quickly what they say. I loved the one from Londyn when you were complaining about how when one girl is good the other one isn't and Londyn responded with "I don't know what to tell you", still makes me laugh out loud! Keep up the good work. Love you, mom
