Saturday, January 15, 2011


All school year long Londyn has been hoping for the chance to bring Hearts, the webkin, home and finally her turn has come! Londyn got to keep Hearts for 3 days and had to write in the traveling journal what she did with her. Londyn had so many plans of all the things she wanted to do and well most of them just couldn't be done, i.e. Lagoon and swimming, but she did get to take Hearts to sign up for swimming. After some serious thought, here are some of the things she decided on...
Londyn and Hearts....What a good pet it was! Never made a peep!

Londyn showing Hearts how to color. What a great teacher Londyn is!

Londyn thought it would be a good idea to start showing
Hearts the importance of homework. 

1st day down and boy, where they both tired!

Here is Londyn's journal entry telling all about their fun.
This was such a fun activity for Londyn. She really enjoyed having the "responsibility" of taking care of something that was just hers. She did great! Londyn really has a natural sense of caring for others and that will make her an AWESOME mother some day! We are so proud of her.


  1. Mindi-
    This is great! I love "catching" up on all the happenings with you and your family! The girls look great. Good job Londyn for taking such good care of Hearts. Wasn't it fun to bring her home on a Friday so you got 3 days with her and not just one night!!

  2. What a fun thing to do! I love that. Great way to use your imagination Londyn!!! Your picture was so cute!! Love, Carrie

  3. I'm so proud of you Londyn for earning the chance to take Hearts home. Looks like you had so much fun with her and you sure took good care of her. Your writing in your journal was very good, you are learning so much in school. Keep up the good work! Love you, grandma w.
